Baby Duckies! Click to Watch Video

The orange colored light is from the heat lamp as these babies don't have their oil feathers yet, so they need help staying warm and toasty!

The orange colored light is from the heat lamp as these babies don't have their oil feathers yet, so they need help staying warm and toasty!

Uh oh....spring is here and that means when I drive to the local Feed Bin to get supplies for the animals, they have all kinds of new babies there too. Today I went to the store for rabbit food and came home with.....DUCKLINGS! They were just too cute to pass up, and I am hoping that they can live with the bunnies and pigs without being too messy (crazy thought, I know). We will give them a little pond to splash in as soon as they are big enough and the pigs can frolic and make it muddy and yukky too. Oh boy!