Ever dream of playing with horses?

WHF invites you to come and experience the basic principles of Liberty in a safe and comfortable setting. With gentle guidance, these beautiful creatures will help you improve your communication skills, practice setting boundaries and encourage you to become more focused and aware of your intentions and interactions with other living creatures. 

This montage is of Sphinx after his first three weeks of training and then again after a few more months of practice. Sphinx came to us at one year of age and had zero training and no ground manners. He bucked, reared, kicked and even jumped over the four foot gate to run back to the pasture the first time we brought him into the arena….but look at him after just a short while!

We are thoroughly enjoying learning how to train with positive reinforcement (R+) aka ‘clicker training’. Like people, each horse has a unique personality, so we continually try to discover what motivates each horse to want to open a dialogue with us so we can learn together.

The clip above shows some old work in progress moments as we continue to practice Liberty ~ our goal being to one day become as proficient in the language of 'Horse' as we are in the language of 'Human'. 

Fill out online waivers HERE then sign up on the calendar HERE to pick a date and a time if you would like to try your hand at some Liberty too!