Dirty Little Secret - Click to Watch Video

This is one of my favorite BLOG posts because it is where we get to show some of the works in progress here at WHF.

Websites and social media tend to focus on what is beautiful and idyllic rather than expose what is unfinished or perhaps even problematic. But the photos and videos displayed don't show the whole picture, leaving out images of roads, neighbors, cars, telephone wires, objects needing repair, and incomplete projects, etc.

We think it's just as important to share those images of our farm to show that daily life is as real for us here at it is in other places.

At WHF we have many projects that are in various stages of completion or have not even begun (such as a koi pond and vegetable garden) despite the many years that have passed. And though we try hard to minimize it, right across from a beautiful space or tree you might find an unsightly storage spot for basic job-site materials.

Above are some photos of piles of work tools, building materials and not so beautifully landscaped spaces to prove it! 

We are also human, like everyone else, and have neighbors who adore us, neighbors who like us, neighbors who tolerate us, neighbors who don't know we exist and neighbors who would happily provide an earful about how not so great they think we are and why. In other words, we are normal people too!

So even if it goes without saying that we have challenges like anyone else, it makes us (me especially) feel better to express it in words, as I feel that posting so many images and videos of beauty and joy in today's modern world of computers and social media can be so misleading and only tells a partial truth at best.

At worst, it can make people feel that their lives are not as good as what they are seeing on their computer screen.There have been studies done on the reality of this new modern problem, and as it's not a healthy way for people to feel, it's clearly not something we wish to encourage here either.

Alas, please enjoy our not so perfect video. And thanks for being my therapy session for the day!