Going, Going, Gone - Post


We had high hopes that Lakshmi and Krishna would eventually acclimate to their new surroundings by living with our chickens for a few weeks, and then choose to stay here walking the ranch by day and sleeping in our trees by night.

Sadly, that did not come to pass. While feeding the chickens this morning, Lakshmi accidentally escaped in a flurry of feathers, and then in a panic to reach his brother, Krishna pushed forcefully past my husband to exit out the coop too, both of them flying straight up over our heads into the bushes. 

We tried to coax them down, but they took flight again and cruised directly over the road and over our neighbor's house, honking as they went! Their flying ability was no match for our search and rescue effort. So now, I'm sorry to say, they will be living anywhere they choose. 

There are two or three wild packs of peacocks living in Topanga and another neighbor directly across the canyon from us has quite a few who, if I am guessing correctly, might be getting some new additions very shortly.